Wednesday 9 November 2011

Left or Right brain? Which one are you?

Left or Right brain? Which one are you?

Are you Left Brained or Right Brained?

Right-brained people are considered to be creative, dreamers and free spirits where as left brained people are considered to be more analytical and organised. To the left brainer the right brainers look like they have all the fun. You probably already know which one you are, follow the links below and take the test ... and you might be very surprised!

Two side to every story

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, each hemisphere controls different functions and processes information in different ways. The left hemisphere controls movement on the right hand side of the body; it also controls speech, reading, writing and spelling functions. The right hemisphere controls movement on the left hand side of the body and prefers to work with images rather than words, understands images and metaphors. The right side of the brain sees the big picture, makes intuitive leaps and ignores sequential processing.

The dominant side of the brain is the one we have a preference for, however through learned behaviour we can improve our less dominate side. Therefore these are the characteristics, which come natural rather than a learned behaviour.

Nature V Nurture...

So does that mean to be creative you must be right brained...In short, no! You can learn the skill to draw, but the passion comes from within and cannot be learned. Just as accounting skills can be learned but the natural passion cannot.

How did Censure stack up?

When I took Frank's test:

Left 6 Right 11

When I took Where Creativity Goes to School test:

Left 3 Right 9

Take the Test Yourself, here are the links: rb_test.htm
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